Our “Changer Armor” reinforces your single hopper or double hopper change machines from malicious break-ins that can cost you thousands of dollars.
Changer damage due to deformation of the door that allows the lock to fail
Damage to your change machine lock down area without Changer Armer
Damage to change machine without Changer Armer plate
The Reinforcements:
Multiple Changer Armer plates installed with doors locked
Overview of Changer Armer plate
Side view of Changer Armer plate with coin to show size
Detail of cutout on the Changer Armer plate
Rounded edges and laser cut squares for carriage bolts to reinforce change machine door from break-ins
View of Changer Armer plate installed on changer door with door open
Damage to change machine without Changer Armer plate
Our Changer Armor comes in Single Hopper (v1) & Double Hopper (v1) sizes to fit your change machines. We also offer a Single Hopper (v2) and Double Hopper (v2) with an extension that gives extra protection to the hopper next to it.